所有高中文书可以通过电子邮件提交到: cuyamaca.admissions@gcccd.edu . 由于技术限制和大量的查询,文书工作可能不会
立即处理. 我们将尽最大努力尽快作出回应
emailed inquiries, however, please give at least 24 h我们的s before checking back in.
To meet with a counselor for c我们的se assistance in the concurrent/dual enrollment program
请安排 网上预约.
The Grossmont/Cuyamaca Community College District will provide opportunities for students
to enroll in college c我们的ses at 正规网赌软件推荐 while they are currently enrolled
在高中时. 高中管理人员的许可和家长的同意
必须在注册课程前取得吗 每一项.
- 你可以修大学课程,获得大学学分, 几乎免费的! 加州居民高中学生的所有注册费都免除!
- 你获得的大学学分可能会帮助你实现目标 高中毕业证书和大学证书或学位要求.
- Because you can take college c我们的ses throughout all f我们的 years of high school, you
have the ability to graduate from college much earlier, saving you quite a substantial
从长远来看,学费的数额. 在某些情况下,学生甚至可以
earn enough college credit that they graduate from high school having earned an associate
- It gives you the opportunity to take a class not otherwise offered at y我们的 high school.
- It improves y我们的 chances of getting into the College/University of y我们的 choice once
- 这可能会增加你获得大学奖学金的机会.
- Beyond the subject matter itself, taking college c我们的ses exposes you to the environment
一个大学班级的. 这给了你一个适应环境的机会,
rigor, and expectations of higher education, altogether preparing you for an easier
- 成人教育/大学学分招生计划 allows eligible students to enroll in college c我们的sed at Grossmont or 正规网赌软件推荐
网站,或在线. 学生在上成人学校的同时获得大学学分
高中毕业证书或高中同等学历证书. 学生可以报名
在到 11.秋季学期和春季学期各0个学分,夏季学期各8个学分.
- 目前必须在读高中吗. 欢迎9年级,10年级,11年级或12年级的学生参加.
- Must be de术语ined by the high school principal or counselor to have the ability to
- Must have written parental/ guardian approval (per the high school authorization form) prior
- High school students will be held to the same academic and conduct standards as any
- Access to specific c我们的ses may be limited by space availability and/or c我们的se prerequisites.
(见 大学目录 以及课程表的具体必备信息.)
- If a c我们的se requires a prerequisite, students must clear that requirement with proof
of satisfactory completion of said prerequisite at the 正规网赌软件推荐 Counseling
办公室, 在这里.
- Concurrent enrollment students may register for c我们的ses in any modality- (in-person,
在线,混合),但仅限于总数 每学期11个单元(暑期8个).
- State law places a limit on the number of high school students who may enroll in Exercise
- 在正规网赌软件推荐学习的所有课程都可以获得大学学分. 报名参加这个项目
会建立永久的大学记录吗. 请注意收到的所有成绩,
and/ or excessive drops have implications for future academic and eligibility status-
- C我们的ses taken for college credit may be used to meet high 学校毕业 requirements;
- High school students will need to provide transportation to and from the college,
purchase a parking permit (if needed) and the 要求 textbooks and supplies for
- Due to state and federal regulations, high school students taking concurrent enrollment
在正规网赌软件推荐学习的课程和其他所有的大学生一样. 所有的大学信息
governed by the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) which allows the
release of academic information, including grades, to the student only - regardless
的年龄. T在这里fore, parents will not have the right to access or discuss educational records
没有学生在场或没有书面同意或法院命令. 有关高等教育FERPA的更多信息,请访问 在这里.
提前计划! 学生应尽早开始办理同时入学手续
To enroll in college as a high school student, please follow these procedures, in
- 申请正规网赌软件推荐入学. 该应用程序可以在Cuyamaca上找到
学院主页 在这里. 申请需要24小时来处理,然后学生将被激活. 学生
会一直保持活跃,直到他们错过 连续两届. 如果发生这种情况,学生必须使用相同的申请帐户重新申请
最初创建. 欢迎访问我们的 申请说明单张 其他参考资料.
- 提交给格罗斯蒙特学院的申请也可以接受,因为我们共用一个
- 如果您对我们的双注册计划感兴趣,请点击动态 双重报名表格. 如果你对我们的(CCAP)大学和职业进入途径项目感兴趣,
请点击动态 工厂检查的形式. 如果您喜欢纸质表格,请点击此 双重报名表格 或者是 工厂检查的形式.
- Obtain y我们的 parent or legal guardian's signature on the High School/College Credit
- 与你的高中辅导员见面:
- 讨论在大学里要修什么课程.
- 确定课程是否也有资格获得高中学分.
- 获得他们签署的许可,通过所需的高中授权书.
- While in the remote environment, if counselor signature is not 可能的, please have
the high school counselor email written permission directly to the Specialist in lieu
- You can submit the CCAP form and 双重报名表格 electronically via the dynamic
表格,或者您可以直接将纸质表格提交到 cuyamaca.admissions@gcccd.edu 为荷.
- 如果你是在家上学的学生,你还必须提供一份 在家上学宣誓书, filed with the CA Department of Education at the time of submitting the Authorization
Form. 这些宣誓书的有效期最长为一年. 之后的任何后续注册
- Once cleared by 招生 and Records, students may log into the student Webadvisor/自助服务
注册类的门户. 如果您在注册方面需要帮助,请浏览
我们的 视频教程,或浏览我们的 循序渐进的指导. 另外,请随时查看我们的 为高中生准备的“下一步”传单.
- 重要提示: If you plan to take a math or english c我们的se with us, you must first complete the
数学和英语安置问卷在您的网络顾问主菜单. 可以找到
7-question process, that will give you immediate results on what levels of Math or
- 注册费用($46/单元)为 放弃 为加州高中学生准备的. 然而,高中生是负责任的
for paying all miscellaneous mandatory fees, which include: the Health Fee, Student
中心费用和学生代理费用. 这相当于每人大约30美元或更少
- 停车许可证和学生福利卡是可选的所有学生. 然而,
parking permits are 要求 and enforced when parking on the 正规网赌软件推荐 campus.
- 加州居民可能有资格获得学费减免,但是 联邦财政援助助学金不适用于高中生.
- 第一次上课你必须出席,否则老师可能会开除你. 此外,他们
可能会因为你旷课太多而开除你. 然而,它是 总是 学生的责任 在公布的截止日期之前放弃课程,如果你不再计划参加.
- 教练 不需要退学吗 对没有.
- 学期长度和短期课程有不同的截止日期. 这些都可以找到
在正规网赌软件推荐网站上 在这里. Be sure to click on the appropriate semester on the left hand side of the page and
then scroll down until you find the linked academic calendar and short 术语 deadline
- 英语和数学的安置是 要求 for students taking English and mathematics c我们的ses at the college, regardless of
- 大学咨询/建议服务是通过 心理咨询办公室.
- 如果学生需要额外的住宿,正规网赌软件推荐提供 需求方 (残疾学生计划及服务) 辅导,以及其他支援服务. 请进一步查询更多信息.
- Once officially enrolled, an active c我们的se will be available to students via Canvas,
(高校学习管理系统), 24小时后.
- If you wish to continue y我们的 concurrent enrollment into the next college semester,
you must complete a new High School/College Credit Enrollment Authorization form each
术语. 除非你一直不活动,否则不需要重新申请入学
- If you are using college c我们的se to fulfill high school requirements, an official
college transcript should be requested by the student and sent to the high school
毕业评估. 成绩单订购链接可以在你的网络顾问主页上找到
menu. Spring semester classes typically end in early June; t在这里fore, grades may not
到六月中旬为止. 在制定计划时请考虑这一事实
If you enrolled in the concurrent enrollment program, or applied to the college while
在高中时, you are eligible to continue y我们的 enrollment at 正规网赌软件推荐 once
你毕业. 请将你的毕业情况通知招生办
- Our system will require proof of graduation before you will be able to register as
第一次上大学. 如果你在学期第一天之前已经年满18岁,那么你需要申请一个 高中身份变更表 这些都是必需的吗. 如果在学期第一天之前未满18岁,a 高中身份变更表 连同毕业证明,或即将毕业,是必需的.
- 作为辅修课程,学院也需要核实毕业状态. 足够的
proof to fulfill this criteria would include: the counselors signature on the bottom
of the Change of Status Form, a copy of the High School Diploma, or a high school
附有毕业日期的成绩单. 有关此政策的更多信息,请
For more information about dual enrollment c我们的ses-which are specifically college
正在教授的课程 在你的高中校园里-请联系莫妮卡 Blando,双招生协调员 莫妮卡.Blando@gcccd.edu.